oce colorwave | Varian Iran Company Official business partner of Tally Dascom , Tally Genicom , Oce , Canon and Contex in Iran and representing their products
Versatile and Productive
Large Format Printing System
Advance your business with the versatile and productive Océ ColorWave 700 large format printing system. Make efficient use of space by using one system for full-color graphics as well as CAD and GIS work. Ideal for central print rooms and reprographers that want to offer new wide format services, like posters, roll up banners, artistic canvas, wallpaper and more with the new Océ MediaSense technology which allows you to print on thicker media, up to 32mil.
Print up to 13,650 ft. of media online with a 6...
The most productive all-in-one large format printing system - monochrome and color
Push the boundaries of your large format printing with the Océ ColorWave 500 printing system, a monochrome and color printer, scanner, and copier in one convenient single footprint. Gain a competitive edge with distinctive high-quality wide format drawings and presentations without the need for expensive coated paper. Save greatly on space, supplies, and maintenance by using one system for both color and monochrome work. With its intuitive design, the Océ ColorWave 500 color printer is one of...
Exclusive Partner of Tally Dascom, Tally Genicom and Tally Sun
and Océ-Technologies
Global Scanning Contex A/S
and Lexmark Laser Printers.
12 to 36 Months Guaranty
Contact US
Sales Telephone 021-88503020 Ext. 333 Service Telephone 021-88503020 Ext. 222
021-88755163 Email info[at]varianme.com
 oce colorwave
oce colorwave | Varian Iran Company Official business partner of Tally Dascom , Tally Genicom , Oce , Canon and Contex in Iran and representing their products
Contact us
Contact us using
Contact us using: 021-88503020 Ext. 333
Service Center: 021-88503020 Ext. 222
: تهران - خیابان سهروردی شمالی - خیابان خرمشهر - پلاک 7 ساختمان واریان