Océ TDS | Varian Iran Company Official business partner of Tally Dascom , Tally Genicom , Oce , Canon and Contex in Iran and representing their products
Océ TDS750 multifunction system
Fast, easy, dependable large format system
Rise above your current large format capability with the Océ TDS750 multifunction system. Print, reproduce, and scan technical documents faster and easier, with higher quality than ever before. The Océ TDS750 multifunction system is ideal to address the demanding deadlines required in a peak performance departmental print setting or a productive, central print room environment. Based on the multi-award-winning Océ TDS700 multifunction system, the Océ TDS750 multifunction system...
Océ TDS 700 Multifunction Printer
In today’s technical environments a wide format system has to please everyone. Business people want value for money and peace of mind. That means a flexible, reliable system that saves time and costs. Users want simplicity and reliability. In other words, an easy-to-use machine that fits current workflows. The Océ TDS700 meets all these requirements. With a robust, configurable printer, the powerful Océ Power Logic® Controller, a choice of two scanners and a wide range of software, it fits the way you work both now and in the...
Oce TDS450 is a large format printer producing high quality CAD drawings in black & white and scanning in full color at a speed of 2 A0 size or 4A1 size per min. With a comprehensive suite of supporting software, this CAD plotter can efficiently improve your CAD drawings workflow. It is a high quality, hard-working large format plotter, copier and scanner for CAD users looking for efficiency with a low environmental impact.
Benefit from a high quality and effective CAD plotter while lowering your environmental impact
Unique stacking and print when needed save time and paper with...
Exclusive Partner of Tally Dascom, Tally Genicom and Tally Sun
and Océ-Technologies
Global Scanning Contex A/S
and Lexmark Laser Printers.
12 to 36 Months Guaranty
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Sales Telephone 021-88503020 Ext. 333 Service Telephone 021-88503020 Ext. 222
021-88755163 Email info[at]varianme.com
 Océ TDS
Océ TDS | Varian Iran Company Official business partner of Tally Dascom , Tally Genicom , Oce , Canon and Contex in Iran and representing their products
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Contact us using: 021-88503020 Ext. 333
Service Center: 021-88503020 Ext. 222
: تهران - خیابان سهروردی شمالی - خیابان خرمشهر - پلاک 7 ساختمان واریان